The Naturals: Bad Blood Book 4 in this unputdownable mystery series from the author of The Inheritance Games
10,39 €
12,50 €
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ab 12 Jahr(e)
Hachette Children's BookSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
19,3/12,4/4,1 cm
360 g
Cold cases get hot in this unputdownable mystery from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, no.1 New York Times bestselling author of The Inheritance Games series. Perfect for fans of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.
All of your burning questions are answered in this shocking conclusion to the Naturals series - now with a bonus Naturals novella, Twelve, in print for the first time!
When Cassie Hobbes joined the FBI's Naturals program, she had one goal: uncover the truth about her mother's murder. But now, everything Cassie thought she knew about what happened that night has been called into question. Her mother is alive, and the people holding her captive are more powerful - and dangerous - than anything the Naturals have faced so far. As Cassie and the team work to uncover the secrets of a group that has been killing in secret for generations, they find themselves racing a ticking clock. When the bodies begin piling up, it soon becomes apparent that this time, the Naturals aren't just hunting serial killers.
They're being hunted.
Born smart. Born tough. Born FBI.
'The Naturals is Criminal Minds for the YA world, and I loved every page' - Ally Carter, New York Times bestselling author
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