Band 3
One of Us Is Back
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One Of Us Is Lying Band 3
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Gebundene Ausgabe
13 - 17 Jahr(e)
Random House N.Y.Seitenzahl
A member of the Bayview Crew disappears and everyone feels like they could be next, but the situation suddenly worsens when someone unexpectedly returns to Bayview.
Unsere Kundinnen und Kunden meinen
Gut mir ein paar optischen Mängeln
Bewertung am 05.11.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 2061704
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
Das Buch selbst ist vom Inhalt her sehr nach meinem Geschmack...aber warum hat dieser Band ein anderes Vormat und keine bunten Seiten ? Ich hab den Band jetzt an einen anderen Platz im Regal stellen müssen, da es einfach überhaupt nich zum Rest passt
The Bayview Crew Murder Club
Sabrina Reiter aus Wien, Donauzentrum am 25.07.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1987092
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
„One of Us Is Back“ is the third installment of Karen M. McManus‘ „One of Us Is Lying“ series.
After the Bayview Four proved they weren’t killers and a new generation had to outwit a copycat, all of them have to band together in order to find the one who – once again – has put a target on their backs.
Damn my pigeon brain for forgetting virtually everything about the first two books and big thanks to the author for recapping parts of them so I only felt totally lost for some sections of this installment.
I love that a lot of what’s going on in „One of Us Is Back“ is tied to things that happened in the previous books. Intricate plotlines and surprising connections are just so satisfying to me – even if I can’t always recall everything.
There are some truly horrible characters in this story and discovering what they did makes you wonder how you would react if you were one of the parties they harmed. Personally, I’d be a lot pettier than many of the characters but way less vindictive than others, I think. Regardless, I get where they’re coming from and can empathize, which, in my opinion, speaks to the quality of this book and the author’s capability of engaging, unsettling and captivating her audience.
Even though he died in book one, Simon is one of the story‘s narrators. Via his accounts from six years before, we get a lot more insight and background information and let me just say, it’s fascinating how he still manages to ruin lives from beyond the grave.
„One of Us Is Back“ is the perfect conclusion to a captivating and surprising series that’s perfect for fans of Holly Jackson’s „A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder“ trilogy. If you enjoy YA thrillers and somehow managed to evade these books until now, you should definitely read them.
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