House of Sky and Breath
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House of Sky and Breath

The EPIC second book in the Crescent City series, from the creator of ACOTAR

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House of Sky and Breath

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Bloomsbury Academic





Steamy! The Times Books to Read in 2022









Bloomsbury Academic



Maße (L/B/H)

19,9/13/5,4 cm


548 g





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14 Bewertungen

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Bewertung am 05.12.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2357101

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

I can honestly say that the first book is somewhat easier to digest than this one. The main character is so out of touch with reality when it comes to analyze situations and ways to talk, when to be cheeky and when to keep the impulse in check or when it comes to people around her. When you think she is actually having some character development, she splats all over again. I can't like these series tbh, the idea of a magic world along with technology is actually a great concept, but somehow Maas made it really hard to like Bryce. She constantly disregards Hunt and his own struggles, I don't even understand why they are even together. Everyone needs to give in to her whims, she can't discern when to keep her mouth shut and when to use her sharp tongue, which usually brings all sorts of issues and even dangerous situations. Bryce is like a ticking bomb and highly impulsive and to me personally that is not what I consider to be a badass and leading female character, in fact Bryce lacks what it means to be a leader and sure characters need to have flaws to make the story interesting because no one likes Mary Sues, but they usually also have character development which Bryce is lacking, I am not reading the 3rd book. To me, it was a waste of time...even Nesta from ACOFAS (also another J.Maas series) which was 1000x worse than Bryce was able to understand that at some point you need to get over yourself and work on your behavior and issues, otherwise it leads to nothing more than isolation, more frustration and only hurts and drives away people who love her. Bryce lives in a world where everyone gives in to her, and so she never changes for the better. She has moments yes, but other than that I wouldn't call it character development.


Bewertung am 05.12.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2357101
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

I can honestly say that the first book is somewhat easier to digest than this one. The main character is so out of touch with reality when it comes to analyze situations and ways to talk, when to be cheeky and when to keep the impulse in check or when it comes to people around her. When you think she is actually having some character development, she splats all over again. I can't like these series tbh, the idea of a magic world along with technology is actually a great concept, but somehow Maas made it really hard to like Bryce. She constantly disregards Hunt and his own struggles, I don't even understand why they are even together. Everyone needs to give in to her whims, she can't discern when to keep her mouth shut and when to use her sharp tongue, which usually brings all sorts of issues and even dangerous situations. Bryce is like a ticking bomb and highly impulsive and to me personally that is not what I consider to be a badass and leading female character, in fact Bryce lacks what it means to be a leader and sure characters need to have flaws to make the story interesting because no one likes Mary Sues, but they usually also have character development which Bryce is lacking, I am not reading the 3rd book. To me, it was a waste of time...even Nesta from ACOFAS (also another J.Maas series) which was 1000x worse than Bryce was able to understand that at some point you need to get over yourself and work on your behavior and issues, otherwise it leads to nothing more than isolation, more frustration and only hurts and drives away people who love her. Bryce lives in a world where everyone gives in to her, and so she never changes for the better. She has moments yes, but other than that I wouldn't call it character development.


absolutely not

Nicol aus Wien am 27.04.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 1930832

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Oh my burning Solas! To be honest, this series didn't quite make it to my list of favorites in comparison to TOG and ACOTAR. I found it less captivating, and I struggled to comprehend the ranks and history presented in the story. However, the ending left me with high hopes that the upcoming books might change my mind. Believe me, it takes a lot to shock me, but when I finished the book at 10 p.m., my jaw dropped to the floor!

absolutely not

Nicol aus Wien am 27.04.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 1930832
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Oh my burning Solas! To be honest, this series didn't quite make it to my list of favorites in comparison to TOG and ACOTAR. I found it less captivating, and I struggled to comprehend the ranks and history presented in the story. However, the ending left me with high hopes that the upcoming books might change my mind. Believe me, it takes a lot to shock me, but when I finished the book at 10 p.m., my jaw dropped to the floor!


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House of Sky and Breath

von Sarah J. Maas


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