Gebundene Ausgabe
Grand Central PublishingSeitenzahl
From the master of Story, Dialogue, and Character, ACTION offers writers the keys to propulsive storytelling.
ACTION explores the ways that a modern-day writer can successfully tell an action story that not only stands apart, but wins the war on clichés. Teaming up with the former co-host of The Story Toolkit, Bassim El-Wakil, legendary story lecturer Robert McKee guides writers to award-winning originality by deconstructing the action genre, illuminating the challenges, and, more importantly, demonstrating how to master the demands of plot with surprising beats of innovation and ingenuity.
Topics include:
- Understanding the Four Core Elements of Action
- Creating the Action Cast
- Hook, Hold, Pay Off: Design in Action
- The Action Macguffin
- Action Set Pieces
- The Sixteen Action Subgenres
A must-add to the McKee storytelling library, ACTION illustrates the principles of narrative drive with precision and clarity by referencing the most popular action movies of our time including: Die Hard, The Star Wars Saga, Dark Knight, The Matrix, and Avengers: Endgame.
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