Berkley Publishing GroupSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,8/13,7/2,3 cm
318 g
"Marrs excels at thrilling readers by creating a real sense of tension and delivering a believeable, harsh criticism of modern society."
--LA Times
“This page-turner never sacrifices the characters’ humanity for the sake of plot. Marrs has definitely upped his game.”– Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Additional Praise for John Marrs and The Passengers
“I absolutely loved it. It sucked me right in and kept me gripped right until the end. With some real jaw-dropping moments, it was an edge-of-your-seat read.”—Claire Allan, USA Today bestselling author of Her Name Was Rose
"An irresistible combination of high-concept scenario, technofear, conspiracy thriller, social satire and lurid personal tales…Full of twists, vividly drawn characters you’ll love or love to loathe and pacy action.”— SFX Magazine
“Virtually every plot beat seems plausible and imminent…Marrs laces his fast-paced tale with delectably mordant satire.”— The Washington Post
“Marrs’s engrossing, believable thriller raises intriguing questions about our science-tinged future.”— Booklist
“Marrs is brilliant at twists and for the addicts of adrenaline-fuelled twisty ride.”—Peter James, international bestselling author of Dead If You Don’t
“This page-turner never sacrifices the characters’ humanity for the sake of plot. Marrs has definitely upped his game.”– Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Additional Praise for John Marrs and The Passengers
“I absolutely loved it. It sucked me right in and kept me gripped right until the end. With some real jaw-dropping moments, it was an edge-of-your-seat read.”—Claire Allan, USA Today bestselling author of Her Name Was Rose
"An irresistible combination of high-concept scenario, technofear, conspiracy thriller, social satire and lurid personal tales…Full of twists, vividly drawn characters you’ll love or love to loathe and pacy action.”— SFX Magazine
“Virtually every plot beat seems plausible and imminent…Marrs laces his fast-paced tale with delectably mordant satire.”— The Washington Post
“Marrs’s engrossing, believable thriller raises intriguing questions about our science-tinged future.”— Booklist
“Marrs is brilliant at twists and for the addicts of adrenaline-fuelled twisty ride.”—Peter James, international bestselling author of Dead If You Don’t
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