A Snowflake at Midnight A Historical Fantasy Romance
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Anne RenwickSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
21,6/14/1,2 cm
292 g
A rare manuscript. A midnight promise. A man who would steal them both away. Pressured by looming deadlines and an annoying patron, Evie Brown, academic librarian, struggles to find joy this Christmas holiday. Worse, her sick father is ready to abandon treatments and surrender to fate - a decision she refuses to accept. Delving into a medieval manuscript, she searches for answers in the distant past. For the woman who has stolen his heart, only a perfect proposal will do. Ash Lockwood, botanist, has transformed the rooftop greenhouse into a tropical fairyland. But when Evie begs him to help her harvest mistletoe at midnight, they venture down a different garden path - unaware that danger circles close. When their plans implode and a murderer threatens their lives, only invention and teamwork will save them. Steampunk adventure wrapped around a romance and threaded with biotechnology. Join USA Today bestselling author, Anne Renwick, as she takes you back into an alternate past. THE ELEMENTAL STEAMPUNK CHRONICLES The Golden Spider (Book One) The Silver Skull (Book Two) The Iron Fin (Book Three) ELEMENTAL STEAMPUNK TALES A Trace of Copper In Pursuit of Dragons A Reflection of Shadows A Snowflake at Midnight ELEMENTAL STEAMPUNK STORIES The Tin Rose Kraken and Canals Rust and Steam
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