King’s Indian: A Modern Approach Fritztrainer: Interaktives Videoschachtraining
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general and because he helped to make the King's Indian more popular in particular. As a junior, when I was ten years old, my coach advised me to study the openings of Fischer and I discovered the King's Indian. Later I learned about the different approaches Black has in the King's Indian. He can keep his structure flexible and put his pawns on d6 and c6; he can play the sharp and principled Nc6 in the classical lines and in some sidelines he can sacrifice a pawn with ...b5 as in the Benko. Top players such as Geller, Smirin, Kasparov, Radjabov, Nakamura and Ding Liren all played and
play the King's Indian and they all have a different style, a different approach. When preparing the material for this DVD I studied the games of these experts, checked analyses with modern engines and used a lot of material from correspondence databases. Every day my King's Indian vocabulary got better, richer, and more varied. At the same time my confidence and my belief in the King's Indian also got bigger. If you study this DVD carefully and solve the interactive exercises you will also enrich your chess vocabulary, your King's Indian vocabulary, build up confidence in the King's Indian and your chess and win more games."
- Video running time: 7 hours 14 min. (English)
- With interactive training including video feedback
- Database with more than 50 instructive games, extensive analysis of the theory shown on this DVD
- Including CB 12 - Reader
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