DOM Scripting
Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model
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We know from the success of titles such as
Web Standards Solutions
Cascading Style Sheets: Separating Content from Presentation
, and
Web Designer's Reference
that web designers are increasingly concerned with making sites that don't just look pretty, but are also built using current best practices.
There are three main technologies married together to create usable, standards-compliant web designs: XHTML for data structure, Cascading Style Sheets for styling your data, and JavaScript for adding dynamic effects and manipulating structure on the fly using the Document Object Model.
This book is about the latter of the three.
DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model
gives you everything you need to start using JavaScript and the Document Object Model to enhance your web pages with client-side dynamic effects.
Jeremy Keith
starts off by giving you a basic crash course in JavaScript and the DOM, then moves on to provide you with several real-world examples built up from scratch, including dynamic image galleries and dynamic menus. Then, he shows you how to manipulate web page style using the CSS DOM, and create markup on the fly.
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